Friday, July 26, 2013

A Month of Travels

The past four weeks have been non-stop. It all started with my fiancé visiting and then bringing me back to Pennsylvania to send me on my way to Creation Festival in Mt. Union with my fellow media buddies. We camped out and spent the week recording and producing all the video for all of the shows on the main stage. It was an awesome experience and I was so happy to be a part of it.

Then I spent a week in Philadelphia and went to the giant block party Philly had on the fourth of July. There were probably a million or more people there at that time. It was crazy. I had a whole crowd of people boo me, saw the cutest little boy run around in a sprinkler with a superman cape on, bumped into a couple friends, saw John Mayer, and we ran 8 blocks to make the train back.

After all that excitement, I spent a week back home in Connecticut to do a week long temp assignment. My family and I woke up at 3am on a Saturday morning, and drove down to South Carolina. There we were spoiled with good food, family stories, and beach time at my grandparents' house near Charleston. 

Now I'm back home and getting into the swing of things again! I will give a long and detailed post with pictures but I still have a lot of photos to go through, so bear with me!

Love, love