
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Lace Charm

Today I am a little under the weather. So instead of sitting around wallowing in this sick feeling, I decided to attempt to do something productive.

I had this little square charm that has been floating around my craft box for some time, and I've never really known what to do with it. I was on Pinterest and I saw these pretty little circle charms with lace in them, and figured I could do something similar with my square one.

I cut a small square of black fabric to fit the inside of this charm and hot glued it in place. (I really like using my hot glue gun. Best investment ever)

It took me a while to figure out how I wanted to lay the lace across the black fabric, but I finally settled on a cute angle.

Then I just trimmed up the edges of the lace, hot glued it, and added a chain to it. Since taking the picture I've switched out the chain to a different one.

After it was all finished I sprayed it with hairspray so the lace wouldn't fray.

Let me know what you think or if you have any craft ideas for me!

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