
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Framed Twine Earring Holder

I decided late last night that after two nonstop days of work on final projects, it was time to let some stress out. It was 12am, but it seemed like the perfect time.  I had gotten a bunch of frames for free from this resale shop that went out of business and wanted to do something with one of them. On top of my craft box was my roll of twine and the idea just came together!

It was really easy and simple. I only needed my glue gun, an empty frame, twine, and a ribbon!

First I cut strips of twine the length of the width and glued them to the back of the frame. Then I glued a few strands of twine the long way to give it a little bit more detail.

And as just a little something to add, I made a bow and glued it to the corner of the frame!

And here's the finished project!

Hope you like it! =]

~ Kate


  1. Very cute! I think I need to make one of these for my room. :)

  2. Ooo, this is cute! I've seen similar ideas done, but nothing quite like this! I really like it, I may have to adapt the one I made now!



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