
Monday, November 14, 2011

Turning a shirt from boring to cute!

Saturday morning I woke up early and in such a productive mood (it might have had something to do with the 3 naps I took the day before). I looked at my schedule, and since I had almost no homework due this week, It left me no choice but to craft! (What a shame, eh?)

I found an old shirt laying next to some lace in my craft box and an idea started to form in my head.

I measured out three strips of lace and pinned them on the shirt.

Then I had to sew the ends of the lace in to the seam of the arm, and then straight across.  Sewing the lace in a straight line was probably the hardest part. I don't have a sewing machine, so I did it all by hand. Hiding the stitches was not that hard because I followed the line the lace had at the top of it. 

I'm in love with how it turned out!

Tell me what you think!



  1. so easy i love it! were both kates :)
    how fun!

  2. I love this idea! I have lots of boring tshirts that need a facelift. Excellent.

  3. thank you for your lovely comment..looking at your blog and im immensely jealous of your creativity. following :)


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