
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Strawberry Paperweight

I was browsing some of the blogs I follow, and I came across a picture of a bunch of rocks painted to look like strawberries on Miss Indie's blog.

I had to make them. And I did. So here is how I made them!

A strawberry-shaped rock, the right colors to mix to get the shades I wanted, and two different brushes- a big brush and a smaller one for details.

After painting the entire rock red, I painted little green leaves at the top.

Then I outlined the leaves in dark green and gave the leaves some texture. I also drew little white seeds.

The last step was to paint little black dots at the top of each seed. Easy as that! =]

I think I'm going to paint some other fruit-inspired paperweights. Any suggestions? Hope you all had a great weekend!

Love, love


  1. I am going to have to scour my yard for a strawberry shaped rock now :)


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