
Sunday, March 11, 2012

Birdies and Spring

Oh how I enjoy the sunshine. It doesn't matter how cold it is, if there's sunshine, I'm alright.

It's spring break and I've returned home to celebrate it! Unfortunately that means colder weather than college, but the sun was out today and our deck was radiating the heat! Since there was sun out and spring was in the air, I decided to wear my birdie dress. I hope you love it as much as I do. =]

My sister took this for me since I left my tripod at school. =]

Aaand here's me goofing off....kind of. 

Dress: H&M, Tights: Unknown, Shoes: Thrifted (originally from Target)

Anyways, I have a last minute online Midterm to do, so I better get back to it! Hope your weekend has been great!

Love, love


  1. This is beautiful! Love the print and the color of the tights you matched with it. :) Your freckles are too cute--I've always wanted some, haha. :)

  2. Love that dress ! The moment I saw it I knew it was from H&M haha :)

  3. You look so adorable in this dress, I love how you added color with the tights! So cute.

  4. You are SO cute. I love this dress-perfect!


    Ps-your hair is so pretty :)

  5. your bird dress is so pretty! I just adore the print, its so cute.

  6. that dress is so adorable! I almost bought a top from H&M with the same print ... now I'm thinking I should go back and get it!

  7. Your outfit goes so well with the weather - something about the tights, the green grass and the white fencing!

  8. I would wear this exact outfit. I adore animal print dresses and oxford shoes are a staple in my wardrobe. =) I love to pair colored tights with both neutral and already 'colorful' outfits. They brighten my spirit on gloomy days especially.
    Hope your studies go well!


I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
