
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Free Ritas!

So yesterday was free Ritas day in honor of the first day of spring! Every year my friends and I go Ritas hopping to see how many we can get. This year me, my boyfriend, my cousin and another friend went. We drove to 3 different places, but only stopped to get italian ice at 2 places because the line at one place was like a mile long.

Don't make fun of me, but I got the same flavor twice. haha Ok in all honesty, every time I go to Ritas, they never have my favorite flavor. It always happens that the only time I'm there when they have it is on the first day of spring. I'm just in love with the Birthday cake flavor! =]

So here are some pictures of that lovely day. And I noticed afterwards there were none of me. Fail. Oh well!

The handsome guy in the green is mine. =]

These were the clouds out that day! The colors are so beautiful, I didn't even edit it.

So happy Spring is here!

Love, love


  1. What an awesome day! Loving the last picture - must have been a gorgeous sunset x

  2. that sounds like fun. I wish we had something like that here.

  3. I love Rita's!! We don't have one where I live....but whenever I find one in my travels, I definitely indulge :)

  4. Looks like fun! The last photo is really nice :)



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