
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Saturday Storms

It's kind of a dreary day outside, but I'm not letting the weather determine my mood because I had a wonderful afternoon thrifting with two very dear friends. This picture is literally taken a few minutes before I was out the door. Note my crazy hair. The beast didn't want to be tamed today. Oh well, I'm letting it do what it wants because I'm trying to get it back to a healthy state. I've abused it for years with flat irons and curling irons and adding blonde streaks here and there.

My thrifting outfit. Still not used to taking pictures of myself. Hence me hiding behind my hair.

Jewelry & Jeans: Forever 21, Top: Mandee, Shoes: thrifted

Last night I bought those cute wedges I'm wearing. I've been a thrifting machine these past 2 days! Last night I found a dress as well, and today I scored 2 skirts, a dress, and two cardigans. One skirt was Urban Outfitters and still had the tag on it. I think it is now one of my favorite skirts.

Now it's off to homework. I have a website to code, my typography video to finish, and a paper to write. You jealous yet?

Love, love


  1. Thrifting is always so much fun, good to hear you found some amazing things. Love those yellow shoes...very spring.

    xo erica

  2. Super cute shoes! i love yellow

  3. LOVING those yellow shoes! perfect for Spring!!

    xo's, Vanessa

  4. you are absolutely adorable girl! you shouldn't hide behind your hair ;)
    xo TJ


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