
Sunday, April 22, 2012

Allison's Shower

This weekend one of my closest friends had her wedding shower. It was so perfectly decorated, the food was delicious, and the games were very entertaining and fun.

Allison is so creative and everything she does is special and unique. I've known her since my freshman year of college and the photography and design work she produces is inspiring. So it only makes sense that her party was beautiful. Her fiance is a great match for her and I wish them the very best!

Allison is graduating in a couple weeks and I can't wait to see where God takes her on her creative journey. She is very talented and I know she is going to do incredible things with those talents.

Below are some glimpses of her photography. If you want to see more from her or know more about what she does, you can visit her website Tremont & Faye or visit her Facebook Page.

Love, love


  1. Aw, what a fun and sweet that cute cake with the bunting. And her photography is gorgeous, what talent. Thanks for your fun and sweet post(s)...following you!

    <3 Cambria

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  2. Love the way you guys decorated the place, so pretty.

    xo erica


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