
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Mixed-Media Monday: Stop Motion

So technically it's Tuesday, but I haven't gone to bed yet, soooo it's still Monday in my opinion! This week I did a little stop-motion experiment. I took a walk around campus with my camera and then recited a poem and put music to it. I've never done stop motion before. I wish it looked more smooth, but hey I'm just experimenting.

The poem is called A Summer Day by Lucy Maud Montgomery

This Easter weekend was so fun. I spent it with my boyfriend's family in Philly. His family is energetic and fun to be around. They had a big family extended family dinner after church, and then went to visit the grandparents for a while. This was the first Easter not spent with my family and I'm not going to lie, I missed them. Especially when my mother kept sending me photo updates of all my little cousins and everything.

Oh well. It's a part of growing up I suppose!

How was your Easter weekend?

Love, love

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