This picture says, "I'm nervous to post these pictures because I don't wear strapless dresses that often."
I usually stay away from strapless dresses because I don't think I can pull them off. Maybe it's because I'm pale, maybe something else. I am going to let you be the judge of it. Be honest!
Earrings: c/o August Wrinkle
Necklace & Dress: gifts
Shoes: Payless
The lighting in my backyard is quite difficult. We have a huge tree and it sprinkles the light around, so sometimes my head will be overexposed, sometimes it will be my arm, etc. (in case you were wondering why it looks like my hair is two different colors)
Has it been hot where you guys are? Because it's been a scorcher around here. Today is actually quite mild. I'm loving every second. I don't really mind heat, but when it's humid I mind, very much. I'm not exactly fond of frizzy hair (I already have enough of that to worry about) and the thick air and always feeling like you have a coat of something on your skin.
Right now I'm sipping some free tea samples I got via Klout. I didn't exactly read the label, so I've been trying to figure out what flavor tea this is. I think it mostly tastes like pineapple but I keep getting hints of peach and tea. In any case it tastes very good.
Love, love