
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Barefoot Weekend

I absolutely love shoes. I looove them. But any opportunity I get to be barefoot, I take it. Even in the winter! I don't know why, I just love it. Other than running errands and such, I've been barefoot all weekend and it's been quite wonderful.

Now I'm headed into my second week of my internship. I'm realizing more and more that I'm not a little girl anymore and I've only got this next year before I graduate to learn as much as I can before I'm tossed into the real world like every other adult. It still surprises me that I'm 21 already. Today I even found a few white hairs. I'm hoping they will just look like blond highlights.

Anyways hope everyone has a great week!

Love, love


  1. oh, I know! The feeling of grass tickling your feet, now that's something I wouldn't trade for anything:)

  2. Going barefoot is one of my favorite things. I lovelovelove shoes, but if I could I would spend the rest of my life barefoot.
    PS Good luck on your second week at your internship!!

  3. I have to agree. Walking barefoot is one of the best things about summertime.


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