
Friday, May 25, 2012

JoTotes Love

I'm pretty much in love with my new camera bag from JoTotes. I'm so excited I just wanted to share some it with all of you. I won a camera bag of my choice from JoTotes via Elsie Larson's blog and I am so so happy with the one that I picked out.

It came in the mail in a box that made me smile.

Inside it was wrapped in a cute blue bag.

And I pretty much can't even describe how much I love it

Sometime soon I'll do a "What's in my bag" type of post and show you the inside of it, and what I carry when I'm shooting. =] For now, this little update will have to do.

In other news, I got my computer back and it is fixed! So I put Photoshop back on my computer, I'm building back up my collection of fonts, and adding actions, and my mom just gave me Lightroom as my final birthday present....about a month later. haha and I'm off to play with it! 

Oh yes, happy Friday! 

Love, love


  1. What a gem! I love bags like that, the one I have now is just this old jean thing and I've used it so much it's falling apart. I would love to have one like yours, so pretty.

  2. So wonderful!! I have a Jo Totes too, and I love it. I love the striped design of yours!

  3. LOVE that bag! And what a fun box it came in, too! Aren't little happies the best?

    Hope you've enjoyed your weekend! Love keeping up with you through the blog!

    It's an Easy Life

  4. I am so jealous!

    - Angela Marie @

  5. I LOVE that bag!! JoTotes has the most lovely collection of camera bags!!


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