
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Life is Chaos

So on Monday when I said I'd be back tomorrow, I really meant the day after tomorrow. Not really. Yesterday just ended up being busier than I thought. Isn't that always the case though?

I mean, nothing ever seems to go exactly how we plan, on matter how much we plan. There are too many variables we can't control. And the more we try to control it, the worse we feel when it doesn't happen like we thought it would. But the beauty of all the chaos is, while we may not know what's going to happen, God does, and if I trust him, then I know I don't have to worry about whatever life throws at me.

I did some painting therapy a few days ago and I thought I'd post about it. I just took some quick photos, nothing special.

I wanted to make a banner, but I didn't have any long pieces of paper so I cut 3 strips of paper and connected them. 

After outlining the edges with yellow, I mixing white and some black with the blue, red, and teal to give it a turbulent vibe.

Yesterday I took my sister shopping and we hit the jackpot at a thrift store. In fact, we spent almost 2 hours in that place. I might write a post on that for you. There is just a thrill about hunting for the best bargains it makes me so happy when I stumble upon a treasure.

Love, love


  1. It sure is chaos! I feel like painting now, haha

    xo. Nicole

  2. This is really cute, love it. And I totally want a post on the thrifting experience.. 2 hours?!

    xo, Yi-chia
    Always Maylee


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