
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Last week of internship

Oh. My. Gosh. So much has happened since I last posted! I went on vacation to the lovely Charleston area. Surfed, swam, and hid under the umbrella. Then I drove to Pa to be in my dear friend Courtney's wedding! I had such a fun time seeing my friends and celebrating the happy union! 

Well, this week I've been finishing up my internship. Crazy to think it's my last week, huh? I have learned so much and really appreciate Hallie for letting me work with her this summer and mentoring me. 

As my last big assignment, Hallie wanted me to plan an entire creative shoot, taking care of hair and makeup, location, reservations, model, etc. And I was to shoot it myself. This was such an exciting shoot because I got to do whatever I wanted with it!

So I planned a shoot, and since models are hard to come by, my sister volunteered. Hallie was my assistant, and it was very strange to have the roles reversed for the day!

Here is a glimpse of the shoot. I'll be posting more after I finish the set. Hope you it!

Love, love

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful photo! I'm excited to see the rest. :D And you surf? How cool are you! I've always wanted to learn. :)


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