
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

DIY Infinity Scarf

In the first 2 days that I was home, I made a scarf! I'm bound to make a lot more because my fingers are itching to fill my closets with fluffy scarves. It's a serious addiction. I'm almost out of yarn in my basket. 

So I made this scarf. I double stitched it and sewed the ends together. I love the length because I can either wrap it around my neck two or three times depending on the length I want.

Now I don't have to worry about the ends of the scarf now that they're sewed together.

Hope your holiday seasons are going well! Mine have started off pretty well. I took headshots for a corporation today and I am happy with how they turned out. It's exciting knowing my work will be attached with their proposals that they send out. And I finished my Christmas shopping last night! I got some really good deals and I can't wait for everyone to open them up!

Have any fun plans for the holidays?

Love, love


  1. Okay I am SERIOUSLY impressed! That scarf looks awesome... wish I could do that!

    It’s An Easy Life

  2. Okay, you are absolutely adorable girl! And the infinity scarf looks fabulous! Love the color choice too ;)
    xo TJ


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