
Saturday, June 22, 2013

DIY Necklace

I have no idea what to call this necklace. Can anyone tell me what it would be called?

I made this little green guy yesterday. I picked up these cool beads in a bead store in the town around my college. I've been mulling around ideas for them and today I settled on an idea that I liked.

I took 18 gauge wire and strung the beads on two strands and curved them so they weren't hanging straight across. Then I wrapped the ends around two links, which I then attached to a chain.

And that's that!

Next week I will be absent from the internet. I am going to be running live video production at Creation Festival! (The Northeast location) I'm pretty excited about it. We'll get to camp backstage too. :)

Well my fiance is here and we're gonna go look at another venue today! Have a great weekend!

Love, Love

1 comment:

I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
