
Friday, November 4, 2011

Heart Sweater

I found this comfy plain blue sweater at Goodwill for 3 dollars and I wanted to sew something on it. I looked through my craft box and found this cream and flower material from a dress I had ripped up (which was also bought at Goodwill last year).

I cut a heart out of the fabric and then painted clear nail polish on the ends of the fabric so that it wouldn't fray. If you use this technique, make sure you put it on the edges very sparingly or it will dry visible.

Then I hand sewed on the heart for a more home-made look.

And this is the final product!



  1. you're adorable! love it!

  2. Very cute, I would never have thought of doing this.. but it looks great! Stylish and comfortable.. perfect! x

  3. Crazy Cat Lady CourtneyNovember 6, 2011 at 7:56 PM

    You're hot! ;)

  4. So kitschy cute. I saw great elbow patches heart shaped. I'll have to try it.

  5. oh my goodness, I am totally inspired to do this now! I'm totally in love with this, its so darling and cute! love love love it
    p.s. I'm Lauren, its very nice to meet you!


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