
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Unfolding Book

This weekend I went to my cousin's house where we watched corny Tv shows and made crafts. I started this project there, but finished it at my apartment. She had a plethora of books for me to scour through and use and I picked this red and black book for my craft. We got this idea on Pinterest (originally from here) . =]

I took all of the pages out so it was just an empty shell of a book.  Then I folded each page into ovals and glued them to the spine of the book.

I made a lot of different sizes of folded sheets and glued them in different directions, trying to make it look like a vine of pages.

Then I tied a black ribbon through the spine to make a bow at the top.

Then I just hung it up on the wall with a single nail!

Let me know what you think!



  1. This is so cool! I'm going to have to make one on my own now. :)


  2. I've always wondered how people make these! It's such an original way to decorate a sapce. Let me just say that I'm in love with your blog and I'm your newest follower! I'm going through aaaalll your posts and loving each and every one of them. You have an incredible blog, good job!


I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
