
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Red lipstick, Iced coffee, and New Year's resolutions

Part one of my day: I made my twist on "iced coffee." I did something similar in a youth group once, and since then have made it my own. I didn't make coffee, then drink it cold with ice. I did something a bit different.

I used: 1 cup of milk, a lot of ice, a tablespoon of expresso, about 5 shakes of cinnamon, and a lot of chocolate. (I didn't put as much in this time, as we were running low).

And here's the chocolate!

Sometimes I add more or less of some stuff, depending on how my taste buds are feeling that day. =]

It gives me a nice frothy, icey drink with flavors I love. =]

And here I am, sporting red lipstick. I don't think I've ever worn this kind before. I think it goes well with the headband my mom gave me for Christmas.

Part 2 of my day: I finished my New Year's resolutions. Just in time, eh?

Short and sweet

  • Learn a new word a day (either English or other)
  • Try not to buy the same colors in my wardrobe all the time (e.g. black, grey, blue)
  • Treat my hair healthier (less flat iron usage)
  • Update my blog more often (at least every 2 days)
  • Learn now to sew (Maybe a skirt or something more than a straight line)
  • Get my homework done the day before it's due
  • Get all As
  • Take time to hang out with people I don't see on a regular basis

And there they are. I think it's challenging enough and do-able.

And I leave you with this video of Zooey Deschanel and Joseph Gordon-Levitt is perfect. I just figured I'd share it with you all. (She's my favorite)

What are you doing New Year's Eve?

Love love,


  1. Your resolutions are definitely managable!! I will also try to treat my hair better :)

  2. That drink looks amazing!
    hope 2012 treats you well xx

  3. Your resolution seem manageable. Good luck!

    oh, and that coffee drink... yum!


I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
