
Monday, January 2, 2012

Framed Birdie

This project was sort of an evolution. The first idea didn't work so I played with it till I got this! I am quite fond of it now. =]

I thought the frame needed a new coat of something and I saw this gold spray and I just had to use it.

I dug around in the fabric bin and saw this little pattern and free-handed a little birdie out of it.

After that I started playing with this and that idea and by the time I found one I liked, I'd already glued and sewed it. Oh well. Haha. 

Here's a close up of it! Tell me what you think!

Love love,


  1. The result is adorable and amazing. You're so creative! Good for you :)
    Life is a romantic poem

  2. Crazy Cat Lady CourtneyJanuary 3, 2012 at 3:02 PM

    Are you kidding me? Could you get any cuter?! :P

  3. Oh my goodness! This is adorable!
    xo, Kinsey

  4. You were awarded ------> HERE!

    Go see why!

    Love & Lollies... Jessa

  5. That is adorable <3 thanks for sharing! I think this would be a lovely present for any girl who wants to decorate their room!

    Jo Bao ♥

  6. I am digging your creativity. I've done the same thing with some of my oval ornate frames, gold spray paint does wonders!


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