
Monday, December 26, 2011

Resolutions and Happiness

Happy Holidays everyone! I'm off to celebrate Christmas again (round #3!) and I woke up early just to clean my room and go through all my new "toys" again like a little kid.  I may be in my 20s, but I truly am a little girl at heart.

The people who love me, know me so well and I'm so very grateful and happy to have them all in my life.
And even though I'm still in "Christmas mode" New Years is fast approaching and I must get my New Years resolutions in order! Last year I accomplished about 80% of my resolutions, and I intend to beat that this year!

The trick is to not make your list incredibly long and to not make the resolutions too broad. I find that if my list is too long I lose steam pretty quickly and give up. If my resolutions are too broad, I stop at a mediocre level of accomplishment instead of accomplishing something specific and meaningful.

Hope the holiday season is treating you all well!

Love love,


  1. Crazy Cat Lady CourtneyDecember 26, 2011 at 11:26 AM

    You are still hot! ;) P.S. I am typing this on a Sony Internet TV.

  2. cute christmas decorations! hope you have a great celebration :D

  3. I always peer over everything I've got again too! Hope you have a good new years


  4. Thanks for your comment! I agree with the new years resolution thing. short and sweet is the best way to go!


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