
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Wire Heart

As I was falling asleep Last night, I put this little ditty together. I kind of like it, in a thrown together, don't care type of way. =] I'm thinking a longer chain might be the finishing touch, but for now, this short one will do the trick!

It's really easy to shape wire when you have the proper tools. I used round nose pliers and regular pliers to shape the heart.

Then I took a smaller gauge wire and started wrapping it around the heart.

Then I just added a small link to put the chain on and it was finished. =]

 Love love,



  1. Thanks for stopping by. This is so cute! I love it. And it looks like it was super easy for you to make. :)

    If Work Permits

  2. Thanks for your comment on my blog!
    This is a really cute project and I love so many of the other ones you've done too!
    -Lila/Tea Time for Lulu

  3. I love this! I like how you twisted the wires all around the heart.

  4. Ohhh, very cool! =)

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