
Saturday, January 28, 2012

On this Saturday

Hey there! Currently I'm getting ready to head to downtown Philly to shoot on this lovely clear day. I know I haven't posted much craft stuff lately but let me reassure you it's coming! Here, I'll show you a sneak peak of it.

The weather here has been kind of stormy on and off. Example A:

That's the front of my college. I ran out in between downpours.

This morning I finished my resume so I can start applying for an internship this summer!

Anyways I'm off to shoot!

Love, love


  1. Today's a beautiful day to shoot some photos! I was just out running errands in University City and wish I had someone with me to snap photos. Best of of luck!


  2. The second photo is so beautiful despite the weather being horrible! Can't wait to see your DIY xxx

  3. hey Kate, thanks a bunch for visiting me, sorry it's taken me a while to come over. sounds like there's a lot of goodness going on for you right now with the potential internship and photo shoot plans. cheers to that!! it's literally like we are "under the weather" with the amount of rain here lately, my gosh i sure hope next week brings some sunshine for us to soak up too! enjoy those clear sky days. ♥

  4. cute pictures! from the preview, i'm excited to see what you're making :)


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