
Saturday, February 18, 2012

An Apology And Update

Time is not my friend as of now. I am so sorry for neglecting my blog. It's been a crazy two weeks. All of a sudden my schoolwork attacked me from every class, I've been looking for an internship, and I've stepped up from my ARA duties to RA while my RA is home for surgery. It has been a whirlwind and a chaotic blur.

First I would like to say....dun dun dun the project I was sewing in the previous post is finished. Well, I have to finish the button holes, but aside from that, it's done! It should be up in a day or so. Also, I have lots of ideas for new posts! Inspiration is swirling all around me and I'm trying to write it all down so I can remember to do it and post it.

I also had another thought. I would LOVE to do product reviews and such and post them here for my viewers to see. So if any of you have something that you create or sell and want me to promote it on my blog, e-mail me at and I would love to make that happen!

Ok ok. Want to see some of what I've been up to?

I've been working with the production crew at my school: (That redhead is me)

Photo Credit: Tony Hoffer

I've been designing web pages for my web design class:

I've been reading this book (so so good):

I've done a couple photo shoots of couples around Valentines Day (See the rest of them here):

And among other things, I've been playing around with some graphic designs. Here's a pretty rough rough draft of one:

So anyways, hopefully I can get back into my routine of updating regularly! Wish me luck and thanks for sticking around during my absence! 

Love, love



  1. Love the graphic design at the bottom! :D

  2. aww the couple photoshoots are just darling & i esp love that last one in the window.that's awesome you're working on production!
    I'm reading their book Switch right now & have def found it interesting and useful. Is this their followup?


I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
