
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Once Tied, Always Tied

So here's the thing, I like tying bows around my ponytail, but they almost never turn out the way I want them to, or if they do, it's just a one time thing. So here's what I decided to do:

I used a ribbon that had two sides sewn together and strung a wire through it. If you don't have one like that, you can sew two together or sew two long pieces of fabric together.

Then I tied a bow and made sure end was double as long as the other.

Sewed the other edge together.

Put a ponytail in my hair.

And then wrapped the extra long side around the ponytail and then let the ribbon fall down symmetrically to the other side.

Now I never have to tie the bow again! I hope some of you guys find this helpful too!

I'm very happy, my first internship interview went very well! I'm looking forward to the other 2 that I have tomorrow. Wish me luck! =]

Love, love


  1. thats a clever idea. best of luck with the interviews!

    Stop by & enter my Vedette giveaway!

  2. What a great idea! I love that it can keep its shape now. Good luck on your remaining interviews :]

  3. Awesome idea! I'll have to make on for my little cousins. It looks lovely in your gorgeous red hair!


  4. your hair is stunning! Good luck with your interviews :)


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