
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Summary of Spring Break

Well spring break is almost at an end. This is my last day to enjoy zero pressures of homework and college stress.

Let me sum up my spring break for you. I went to a few interviews for internships, had an unexpected trip to the doctor's, did some reading, slept in and...

ate this wonderful homemade pizza my mom and I made:

took this chica out for her 21st birthday. (No drinks for me though):

enjoyed beautiful foggy sunrises:

and visited cousins, neighbors, and friends. =]

I also gained back all the weight I lost this past semester at school. I'm very happy about that! I also ordered a dress from Amazon that I'm really excited about and it's waiting for me back at school.

Today's schedule: cleaning and packing, going to my sister's art show, doing my taxes, and eating out with the family.

How did you spend your spring breaks? Or for those of you not in college, did you do anything exciting this week?

Love, love


  1. sounds like you had a wonderful spring break! :)

  2. I did nothing exciting but it sounds like your spring break was good!

    I'm kind of hungry now after seeing the picture of that pizza haha


I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
