
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Packing and Projects

Hello all!

I'm currently sitting amidst several packing boxes. End of the year packing is so sad. Next year will be my last year in college and then I'm off to face the world.

I just thought I would share with you what I'm working on!

I made this scene and I'm going to animate it for my After Effects video I am working on. I have a man I'm currently editing, and he'll be in the scene as well.

Also, I'm in love with my outfit today. It's entirely thrifted and it brings a bit of sunshine to this dreary and overcast day. It's a mustard sweater with a knee length white and grey striped skirt. =]

Good luck to anyone in college working on their finals! I am right there with you and will probably spend many late nights finishing all my work.

Love, love


  1. good luck to you too! I can't wait for finals to be over. I am counting down the days! So happy to have found your cute blog! xo

  2. You guys all end the year so soon! Pretty jaloeus, haha! My finals are in June :) Have fun packing :) x

  3. Just stubbled upon our blog today,
    Good luck with your finals and happy blogging.



I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
