
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sleep Deprived and Excited

I'm very sorry to have seemed to disappear, but guess what? Summer is 2 days away! I'm beyond excited. I'm also very nervous because it is means I only have one year left and then I have to face the real world.

In other news, my birthday was Monday and I'm officially old. 21 is my new label. I didn't have any wild party or do anything out of the ordinary. Sunday night my roommate surprised me with friends, pizza, chips, and cookies which was sweet of all of them. Monday night my boyfriend took me out for frozen yogurt and then I stayed up all night editing animations for one of my class. Fun stuff!

I just figured I'd update you on my life and let you know that I was still alive!

Love, love


  1. Well happy belated birthday to you!

  2. Did you realize that you won the May prize package at A Beautiful Mess? I don't think they email the winner, but instead rely on them checking back to the page. I was just making sure you knew! I was checking it to see if I won, then I was just curious who did and came across your blog. Also- Happy birthday!

  3. I just found your blog, and I must say how much I love it!! PS Happy (belated!) birthday!! xo


I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
