
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Matching Attire

Mother's Day when I was 3 and now, at 21. We both wore polka dots in these pictures. =]

I'm so thankful for my mother and for all the hard work she's done to get me ready for life as an adult. She stopped working when I was born to raise me and school me at home. She and my dad have worked hard to help me get through college. I love her so much and she's like a best friend to me. 

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Here's a closer look at what I wore.

Skirt: Ruche
Necklace: Barberry & Lace
Shoes & Top: unknown

Love, love


  1. I love love love your skirt! You look a lot like your mom. Beautiful :)

  2. Aww, you and your mum look so sweet in these pictures :') Also, your skirt has to be one of the very few different-lengthed-at-front-and-back (sorry I don't know the technical term!) skirts which I really, really like :) ♥

    Sarah ^.^

  3. Aw that's so cute!

    Love your skirt, it's really pretty and the necklace is a lovely vintage style!

    Amelia @ UGLY DUCKLING xxx

    Come say hey at! :)

  4. You and your mom look so much alike!!!
    PS I love your outfit!!!

  5. such sweet photos! You and your mom really do look alike!

  6. So sweet!! And I love love LOVE your skirt!!

  7. haha aw such a sweet post! I like that you guys kept the theme of the picture (and you were such a little cutie!)

    i love a good polka dot skirt, doesn't it make you feel so feminine? the two of you look beautiful

  8. I love the skirt! And how cute, the pictures of you and your mum!


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