
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wrapped Headband DIY

Hello Hello!

I think it's Wednesday, right? Anyways, this week is going by so fast and it's going so well. I started my internship Monday and I'm so excited with everything. I'm working with an amazing photographer, Hallie Westcott, and I know I'm going to have a great summer learning from her.

This afternoon, I was organizing my craft supplies and I found some cute yellow string and an old headband and a craft formed in my head!

I'm loving the color and how it turned out. Also I really liked how the picture on the right turned out in black and white, so I kept it. :)

 Shirt: c/o Native LA
Earrings: c/o Rustic Gem Jewelry
Belt: Forever 21

Hope your week is going well!

Love, Love


  1. This is so clever! I used to make a lot of headbands but I've fallen out of habit. I should start again, especially because brightly colored skinny ones are so hard to find!

  2. I love that! The color looks so pretty. Perfect little pop of color ;)


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