
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Plastic Bag Flower DIY

 Yesterday I drove home from college for the summer. I had a lot of stuff and when I got home, there were boxes and bags everywhere. So today, I decided to have some recycling fun with some of the plastic bags that I had moved my stuff in.

It's a flower with petals of plastic, made from these bags below.

I cut out several sizes of petals for me to use in my flower.

I scrunched a few petals and glued the bottoms together to make the middle of the flower.

Then I kept adding larger and larger petals to the outside of the center.

 Pretty soon I had this! I'm still thinking of what to do with it. Any suggestions?

Also, I just found out that I won one of the big givaways on Elsie and Emma's blog, A Beautiful Mess! So so very excited and so thankful!

It's so nice to be done with school for a while! I can't wait to start my internship in 9 days!

Love, love


  1. I think you should put some gemstones on that lovely flower and hang it somewhere. You could always make more, of diff. colors, and turn your room into a recycled garden:P


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