
Sunday, June 3, 2012

My little nail polish DIY stamp

I have an addiction to painting my nails. I paint them almost every other day. My nails chip way too easily and I hate having chipped nails. I think it might be cheaper to just get my nails done and then they'd be set for a few weeks. I probably would just paint them every other day anyways. haha

I just cut a little abstract flower shape from a plastic bracelet and then glued it to a toothpick. 

I cut one side of the toothpick flat so that it would fit better on the shape.

And then splotched little "flowers" all over my nails. The dots in the center were done with the other side of the toothpick.

Not bad for a first try! I'm going to try it with some less abstract shapes and see how those turn out. 

Love, love


  1. Kate! This is freakin' adorable! You did an awesome job and how creative to think to make a little stamp. I will definitely be trying this! Thanks for sharing!

    It's an Easy Life

  2. This works really well, such a clever idea! I'm like you and paint my nails every few days and I love trying new nail art ideas so I may have to give this a go!


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