
Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Pleasantly busy

I've been so blessed to have found an internship that makes me excited to go there every day. I'm learning so much and getting so many opportunities that I wouldn't have gotten on my own. Hallie and I have the same type of personality and we joke around and have fun but we also get a lot done together.

I am learning not just the technical side of photography, but also learning how to run a business with it. She is very helpful and always willing to answer any questions I have and encourages me to ask more!

This week is packed with shoots every day and so I will try my hardest to update the blog, but be patient if I can't get to it! Next week is also packed, but not as much as this week, so don't worry. :)

What are you guys up to this week?

Love, love

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I love hearing back from you guys! I read each and every one. =] I try to respond to each comment!
