
Monday, August 27, 2012

DIY Terrariums

As an RA of a building of female apartments, I was trying to think of some type of housewarming gift to give my residents. I had a budget of $1.50 per resident and there are 20 girls living in my building, so my budget was pretty limited.

Someone let me and my ARA, Kathleen, use 7 of their bowls for this project and so we were really happy we didn't have to spend any money on them, but just an fyi, I did see bowls like this at the dollar store.

We filled the bottom of the bowls with moss that we got from Michael's. Actually everything except the bowls came from Michaels. (They have some great sales let me tell ya.)

Then we put in some pretty colored rocks we bought (We just liked the blues and pinks that were in them) and clipped off a sprig of the flower branch we bought.

And then we put in the pretty bird that just melted our hearts.

And we came in under budget! Which left us with some spare cash to make a few other things for their doors and the community bulletin boards. So happy with how they turned out.

Lately I've been checking girls into their rooms, getting my apartment set up, interviewing for jobs, putting my syllabi in order, and trying to get rid of this cough that I've had for 3 weeks now. Goodness, It's going to be a busy senior year!

Love, love


  1. so cute. i love terrariums, never actually made one but this seems so simple! i wanna give it a shot :)

  2. These are beautiful!

    xo Jennifer

  3. These are so pretty! The little bird is so cute. x


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