
Friday, August 31, 2012

In this moment

I am enjoying this time frame that I am in. Nothing is going horribly wrong, my hair is cooperating, most of these final classes are interesting and inspiring, and the weather is gorgeous. 

I just purchased some new beads, finally, and so I'm very excited to get to work on some jewelry and such as well as some shoots I have planned that are coming up. 

I'm still in a surreal moment that this week was my last first week of school. Ever. If I ever ended up in graduate school, you'll know I must've had a lobotomy. It's just not tempting to me.

 These last couple of years I felt like a high schooler trapped in a college student's body, but as of a few weeks ago, my brain has finally got with the program. I still look several years younger than I am, but my brain actually realizes that I am the age that I am. 

Hope you enjoyed my litte update on the fly!

Love, love

1 comment:

  1. Your hair does look very lovely. Good hair days are the best :)

    Glad things are going well for you.I'm excited to see what other neat projects you'll come up with :)



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