
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Winter Could Always Use a Pop of Color

Winter can be so monochromatic. It just seems like everything in the winter looses its color, even things that aren't outside. I can see why so many people get depressed during the wintertime. So I decided to make something with a pop of color.

I used some green watercolor paint from the dollar store and mixed it with water inside the glass bottle. Then made some flowers like I showed you here and put them inside of the bottle and then added a little ribbon.

How was your Christmas? Mine was lovely. We stretched out the festivities all day and had a lot of fun hanging out together and enjoyed people's reactions to what they opened. And I might have eaten WAY too much food but hey, it's Christmas! I can eat as much as I want, right?

Anyways, I'm so happy to be back regularly updating the blog. It feels good! If you have any blog post requests I'd love to make it happen!

Love, love

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Christmas Craft Party

Being that it was the holidays and everyone needed a break from studying their finals, I threw a Christmas craft party at my apartment. We played Christmas movies, music, made cookies and tea, and had way more craft supplies than we could even put to use. Here is a little peek at our fun night.

Christmas is two days away! So excited.

Love, love

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

DIY Infinity Scarf

In the first 2 days that I was home, I made a scarf! I'm bound to make a lot more because my fingers are itching to fill my closets with fluffy scarves. It's a serious addiction. I'm almost out of yarn in my basket. 

So I made this scarf. I double stitched it and sewed the ends together. I love the length because I can either wrap it around my neck two or three times depending on the length I want.

Now I don't have to worry about the ends of the scarf now that they're sewed together.

Hope your holiday seasons are going well! Mine have started off pretty well. I took headshots for a corporation today and I am happy with how they turned out. It's exciting knowing my work will be attached with their proposals that they send out. And I finished my Christmas shopping last night! I got some really good deals and I can't wait for everyone to open them up!

Have any fun plans for the holidays?

Love, love

Monday, December 17, 2012

Photography Overload

Well it's been a busy month. I finished my semester and and am now at home resting up for my last semester of college. It's going by so fast. Anyways, I'd like to show you some of the things I've been busy with in these last few months!

I had the opportunity to photograph some beautiful dancers during a class and I LOVED how they turned out.

I also shot some fashion/editorial photos:

I photographed a proposal for two wonderful friends of mine:

I took pictures for my friend and her husband:

And I took some fun pictures of one of my best friends. :)

Tomorrow I have a session with a corporation and I'm so excited! It'll be my biggest session yet. :) I can't wait to share how it went with you all.

Love, love

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

In a Pinch

Being a student, and not always having a lot of money at my disposal, I've learned a few tricks on how to get by for a while without certain products. Here are some of the things that I've learned.

1. Mascara can double as liquid eyeliner

I wear liquid eyeliner every day and one day before going to class I realized I had used up all my eyeliner, and in a panic I used the little brush from the liquid eyeliner and dipped it into my mascara tube. I painted it on just like I normally would if it had been liner and guess what? It not only worked, but it lasted longer than my eyeliner usually does! 

2. Conditioner works better than shaving cream

One of my friends posted on Pinterest about how you can use conditioner as shaving cream, so when I ran out of shaving cream, I tried it. It did work very well, and the conditioner made my skin super soft!

3. Curtain rods can be used for more hanging space

The only thing I don't like about my apartment, is that I only have a tiny wardrobe to hang clothing, so I bought a curtain rod, and attached it between my wall, and my wardrobe, and it hasn't fallen yet and I've had it up since the beginning of August, so I guess it works! And it has given me a ton of extra space to hang things.

I will have to do another post related to this, as I seem to come up with new solutions to the things I either don't have or run out of. It's quite the adventure. Anyways, I am currently working on another headband craft (I have a headband obsession) and will be back soon to post it!

Love, love

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Media life

Currently I am in an experimental film class and so far it has been really fun!

This is my first experimental video that I made. I wanted to make a book come to life. 50 layers of Aftereffects later, I did!

Also here are a couple photos I took for an adorable couple at my school recently.


I will have several more projects up this week too! I'm so behind on sharing everything with you all!

Love, love

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Glitter headband DIY

Hey guys! Here is my glittery accessory that I made for one of my best friends' bachelorette party!

I wanted to have a sparkly headband so I went to the dollar store, picked up this little headband and an assortment of glitter. I didn't want a thin headband but having a big headband would've been obnoxious, so this little guy was perfect.

Then I used mod podge to cover the headband with glue to hold the glitter.

After it had dried, I sprayed the top of the headband with a lot of hairspray so that the sparkles wouldn't go anywhere. So far it has lasted pretty well! It has survived travel, being dropped, etc, and it still is fully covered in sparkles!

I'll be back tomorrow to post some of the videos and photo sessions I've been working on! (They are already done, so I have no excuse not to post them!)

Love, love

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Hello Fall Break

I'm so excited to be home for fall break because the missing pieces of my craft box will now be restored to it! Also I am happy to be with my family.

While on spring break, I did some filming in Hartford for my avant-garde film class. Here is a quick photo I took of my brother who went with me.

Tomorrow is my last day home and then it's a busy week of filming, editing, portrait sessions, and one of my very best friends' wedding!

I am making something very sparkly to wear for the bachelorette party, so that will definitely be featured on here! :)

I am revealing something big soon regarding my upcoming freelance business! Stay tuned!

Love, love

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A photo update

Well hello there! I realized only after I posted my last post that it had been my 100th post on the blog! I should've done something fun! Oh well. Anyways here are some photos of what I've been up to lately! 

I did a mini portrait session with my roommate for some senior portraits and here are my favorites from it. You can find the rest here.

I also went to Philly's Flugtag event last Saturday. It was so fun and the weather was beautiful! I got a bad sunburn everywhere but where my sunglasses were, so that was a bit awkward, but oh well, ha.

I also went on a double date, got my car towed, finished my first avant-garde video, helped a friend film a project, played some intramural softball, and cut a mango with a machete. Fun stuff! Hope you guys are having a great week! Happy Wednesday!

Love, love