Monday, April 29, 2013

Rain & Finals

It's actually been quite a dry April here in Pennsylvania this year. Today's rain is the first in a while. I don't mind it so much because I can hole up in my room under my blankets and get some of my very last college projects done. 

Everything will be over by Wednesday, and then I can celebrate until Friday's graduation. I hope so very much that it doesn't rain. Graduation on the front lawn of the college is always so beautiful when it's sunny. Its sets a great vibe for sending graduates off into the world and into the work force.

I had time in between my work to snap a few photos of today.

Love, love

Friday, April 26, 2013

Engagement Happenings

Guess what! I'm engaged!

And I'm graduating!

And I'm so excited!

This senior year has been amazing. This year, I have worked 2 nanny jobs, was the RA of my college dorm, and started my freelance photography business, Freckled Perspective. I was the first female technical director at the Southern New England Ministries Network 2012 youth convention and PennDel 2013 Youth Convention. I also was one of the technical directors for daily chapel at Valley Forge Christian College, and a committee member of the first annual Captiv8 Film Festival. Oh and I also was homecoming queen!

Today, in my very last chapel of my college career, I received my gold honors tassels and found out I was elected in the Who's Who Among Students of American Universities and Colleges.

And in 1 week I will be walking across a stage to get my diploma. I'm so excited, exhausted, proud, and a million other emotions right now. I'm so happy with my college experience and God has blessed me with some amazing friends to share that experience with and hopefully continue to share memories with.

Be back soon! (just let me finish my final projects!)

Love, love