When you're in college, you automatically assume if you work hard enough and get your degree and put yourself out there, you'll have a decent job in your field when you leave school. Not so. It's hard to find a full time job that will also give you health benefits, no matter how skilled you are. While I'm thankful for the jobs I do have, I know I'm meant for more and I can't wait to be in a position that will actually use my degree and all the creative energy inside of me.
Anywho, I decided to put together an ensemble I'd never worn before. I was remembering how in high school the only thing I would ever wear is skinny jeans and a graphic tee. So, I decided to revisit that style, only with a [hopefully] more sophisticated twist. (Confession, I took these pictures a couple weeks ago but have been too busy to post them. :/ Sorry.)
P.s. This whole outfit was thrifted. :) Minus the shoes from American Eagle and my glasses.
Love, Love