
Thursday, May 31, 2012

Shy in Strapless

This picture says, "I'm nervous to post these pictures because I don't wear strapless dresses that often."
I usually stay away from strapless dresses because I don't think I can pull them off.  Maybe it's because I'm pale, maybe something else. I am going to let you be the judge of it. Be honest!

Earrings: c/o August Wrinkle
Necklace & Dress: gifts
Shoes: Payless

The lighting in my backyard is quite difficult. We have a huge tree and it sprinkles the light around, so sometimes my head will be overexposed, sometimes it will be my arm, etc. (in case you were wondering why it looks like my hair is two different colors)

Has it been hot where you guys are? Because it's been a scorcher around here. Today is actually quite mild. I'm loving every second. I don't really mind heat, but when it's humid I mind, very much. I'm not exactly fond of frizzy hair (I already have enough of that to worry about) and the thick air and always feeling like you have a coat of something on your skin.

Right now I'm sipping some free tea samples I got via Klout. I didn't exactly read the label, so I've been trying to figure out what flavor tea this is. I think it mostly tastes like pineapple but I keep getting hints of peach and tea. In any case it tastes very good.

Love, love

Monday, May 28, 2012

Back into Mixed-Media monday!

Goodness me, I've been so busy of late I haven't done a mixed media post in several Mondays!

Happy Memorial Day! I got up bright and early to go shoot a memorial day parade with the lady I'm interning with. It was so much fun! 

Anyways, I was experimenting with some ric rac that I got from Pugly Pixel and tried to make something with a quote that I stumbled upon the other day. Hope you like it! I should've done something more patriotic, seeing as how it's Memorial Day, but oh well. 

Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday!

Love, love

Friday, May 25, 2012

JoTotes Love

I'm pretty much in love with my new camera bag from JoTotes. I'm so excited I just wanted to share some it with all of you. I won a camera bag of my choice from JoTotes via Elsie Larson's blog and I am so so happy with the one that I picked out.

It came in the mail in a box that made me smile.

Inside it was wrapped in a cute blue bag.

And I pretty much can't even describe how much I love it

Sometime soon I'll do a "What's in my bag" type of post and show you the inside of it, and what I carry when I'm shooting. =] For now, this little update will have to do.

In other news, I got my computer back and it is fixed! So I put Photoshop back on my computer, I'm building back up my collection of fonts, and adding actions, and my mom just gave me Lightroom as my final birthday present....about a month later. haha and I'm off to play with it! 

Oh yes, happy Friday! 

Love, love

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Rock Ring DIY

I've always been a fan of rocks. Gemstones, geodes, fool's gold, all things rock. My brother and I used to have a fort in our backyard where we would put our rock collections and study all the books on rocks we could find. We were sure we were going to have careers involving our knowledge of such subjects. Then as the years went on, we discovered other interests. I still love rocks and stones and still have my collection from when I was younger. 

All that to introduce my fun little ring that I made this morning!

I got this stone when I was I took a metal working class several years ago. I figured it was too pretty to be sitting in my collection, and I wanted a way to show it off more!

Look at how vibrant the colors are? I love how it looks when the light hits it just right.

I used 3 different types of pliers for this; a flat nose, a round nose, and a diagonal cutter.

Then I wrapped an 18gauge silver wire around it.

On the back I used my round nose pliers to make a loop to connect the one end of the wire to the other. Then I used the flat nose to flatten out the loop.

Then I used the one side of the wire to make a ring for my finger to fit through and then wrapped the extra wire around it to secure it.

You might not be able to tell from the photos, but it is raining...again. We had such a lovely sunny weekend, what happened! Oh well. 

Love, love

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Barefoot Weekend

I absolutely love shoes. I looove them. But any opportunity I get to be barefoot, I take it. Even in the winter! I don't know why, I just love it. Other than running errands and such, I've been barefoot all weekend and it's been quite wonderful.

Now I'm headed into my second week of my internship. I'm realizing more and more that I'm not a little girl anymore and I've only got this next year before I graduate to learn as much as I can before I'm tossed into the real world like every other adult. It still surprises me that I'm 21 already. Today I even found a few white hairs. I'm hoping they will just look like blond highlights.

Anyways hope everyone has a great week!

Love, love

Friday, May 18, 2012

Job Hunting and 5" Heels

After doing the math, I discovered I could fit a tiny part time job in between my internship hours, so I think I'm going to try to find something. Doesn't hurt to try right? So this afternoon or tonight I'm going to put a few applications out there and see what happens. I need to make a little income this summer so I can splurge a bit here and there. :)

Still learning how to walk properly in these heels. :)

Top: Charlotte Russe
Belt: Forever 21
Necklace: gift

By the way, it's Friday! I made pizza dough last night and it's rising right now so I can make pizza tonight. Yay! What are your weekend plans?

Love, love

Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Early Bird Catches the Sunrise

So last night I got this crazy idea that I should go watch the sun rise above the ocean in the morning. At 4am I woke up and immediately realized that I should have planned to see the sunrise earlier, and not at midnight so that I would've gotten more sleep. Anyways, I drove down to the coast where my cousins live and we went to this scenic place next to a gorgeous hotel and we waited for the sun. 

At first we were confused where it was because it was so cloudy out, but eventually the bright glowing orange ball in the sky gave it away. It remained fairly cloudy (and extremely chilly I might add) but it was still a very pretty Sunrise. :)

This was my favorite shot.

Love, love

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Wrapped Headband DIY

Hello Hello!

I think it's Wednesday, right? Anyways, this week is going by so fast and it's going so well. I started my internship Monday and I'm so excited with everything. I'm working with an amazing photographer, Hallie Westcott, and I know I'm going to have a great summer learning from her.

This afternoon, I was organizing my craft supplies and I found some cute yellow string and an old headband and a craft formed in my head!

I'm loving the color and how it turned out. Also I really liked how the picture on the right turned out in black and white, so I kept it. :)

 Shirt: c/o Native LA
Earrings: c/o Rustic Gem Jewelry
Belt: Forever 21

Hope your week is going well!

Love, Love

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Matching Attire

Mother's Day when I was 3 and now, at 21. We both wore polka dots in these pictures. =]

I'm so thankful for my mother and for all the hard work she's done to get me ready for life as an adult. She stopped working when I was born to raise me and school me at home. She and my dad have worked hard to help me get through college. I love her so much and she's like a best friend to me. 

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Here's a closer look at what I wore.

Skirt: Ruche
Necklace: Barberry & Lace
Shoes & Top: unknown

Love, love

Friday, May 11, 2012

You Made What From a Glove?

It's the weekend everybody! Well, as soon as 5:30 (or whenever you get off work) rolls around. Happy Friday!

I'm off to a Mothers Day outreach my church is holding at a local school. But this morning I was playing around with a bunch of little things I have in my craft box and I stumbled upon this glove and I wanted to make something out of all the pretty lace that it was made of. 

This is what the glove looked like before

Then I cut off the hand and the lace at the bottom and then cut it in half length wise and glued the ends together.

I used it to style my hair two ways, tied around my pony tail, and around my head.

 Like my earrings? I got them c/o Barberry & Lace. =)

Hope you all are doing something special to celebrate Mothers Day!

Love, love

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Clothing Wishlist

Happy Thursday! 

This warmer weather has got me looking at clothes more than ever! Too bad I don't have an infinite pile of money I could buy all the pretty little things I fancy! Since I'm not always in a mall, I do a lot of online window shopping. :)

Here are some items on my wishlist. 

This pretty little green dress is from Ruche and these to die for heels are from Modcloth.

This heavenly skirt is from ChicWish and this top is from Urban Outfitters.

I just want to buy everything right now. But I have to pace myself. :) Don't you just wish you could have what you want instantly? I do, but then I realize it's helping to keep me in check. Otherwise I'd end up a selfish, spoiled, and impatient person. 

Anyways, I hope you are all having an excellent week!

Love, love

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Rainy Outfit Details

It's slightly rainy out, but it's making all the greenery outside so vibrant! My favorite color has always been green and so my backyard is like heaven right now (color-wise anyways, I would love if there was sunshine with it).

Anyways here are some little outfit details from today.

Top & necklace - Forever 21
Belt - Charlotte Russe
Bracelet - a gift from a friend
Shoes - Seychelles (thrifted)

Outfit worn with jean capris. :)

Love, love

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Twig Necklace Hanger DIY

Hello hello! 

I'm having such a lovely day and I hope you all are too! Unfortunately I found out my disc drive somehow got broken after having my computer re-imaged, so at the moment I don't have Photoshop to edit my photos. Bear with me while my computer gets fixed!

In other other news, I made a fun little ditty today. A necklace hanger made from twigs and twine. All my necklaces get tangled up when they sit in my jewelry box, so I made this for them to hang on. 

I wrapped each twig 3 times on each end with a piece of twine and glued it in place.

Here's the finished product!

 Let me know what you think of it! I might add some bows to a couple corners!

Love, love

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Plastic Bag Flower DIY

 Yesterday I drove home from college for the summer. I had a lot of stuff and when I got home, there were boxes and bags everywhere. So today, I decided to have some recycling fun with some of the plastic bags that I had moved my stuff in.

It's a flower with petals of plastic, made from these bags below.

I cut out several sizes of petals for me to use in my flower.

I scrunched a few petals and glued the bottoms together to make the middle of the flower.

Then I kept adding larger and larger petals to the outside of the center.

 Pretty soon I had this! I'm still thinking of what to do with it. Any suggestions?

Also, I just found out that I won one of the big givaways on Elsie and Emma's blog, A Beautiful Mess! So so very excited and so thankful!

It's so nice to be done with school for a while! I can't wait to start my internship in 9 days!

Love, love