Saturday, June 22, 2013

DIY Necklace

I have no idea what to call this necklace. Can anyone tell me what it would be called?

I made this little green guy yesterday. I picked up these cool beads in a bead store in the town around my college. I've been mulling around ideas for them and today I settled on an idea that I liked.

I took 18 gauge wire and strung the beads on two strands and curved them so they weren't hanging straight across. Then I wrapped the ends around two links, which I then attached to a chain.

And that's that!

Next week I will be absent from the internet. I am going to be running live video production at Creation Festival! (The Northeast location) I'm pretty excited about it. We'll get to camp backstage too. :)

Well my fiance is here and we're gonna go look at another venue today! Have a great weekend!

Love, Love

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Tiny Bows

Last week I ordered a much needed new lens for my DSLR. I knew it was either coming today or tomorrow, so I waited till I got it to post on the blog. I love it so much! I've been taking pictures with it non-stop. Well, till the battery died. ha

Today my mom, my sister, and I looked at a potential wedding venue this afternoon and then we found this cute little park near it that we stopped and took pictures at.

Dress/top: Thrifted, Sandals: Rue 21, Earrings: Forever 21

Still trying to figure out which venue is best for the wedding. There are lots of pros and cons to both of the ones I'm really interested in. I can't wait till my fiance gets here this weekend to help me make the decision. 

Love, love

Monday, June 17, 2013

Wedding Plannin'

Time to dig in and get the big planning details out of the way! I need to book a venue and photographer soon. The wedding is in May, but if I want the places/photographer I am pining after, I should probably call dibs now.

Everything is just so darn expensive. :/

One of the ladies I babysat for while in college gave me this awesome wedding planner. I have already filled pages of it with inspiration and ideas. I love it!

I still can't believe I'm engaged. It makes me so happy, and so does he. :)

Today's checklist consists of:

  • Calling venues to schedule a visit
  • Planning this week's blog posts
  • Start packing for next week's adventure (more details to come)

In other happy news, Jonathan comes to visit me this week! :) Can't wait to see him.

Love, Love

Saturday, June 15, 2013

DIY Felt Pouch

Well I have a diy project just like I promised! This project took a little longer than I planned, but that's because I kept taking out all my stitches because I wasn't paying attention to where I was sticking the needle. 

Anyways, I started with two pieces of felt the same size, but I cut a strip off the top piece so that the back piece could fold over it.

Then I stitched all around the sides and the top. I forget what kind of stich it is. I was just going with it because it looked cool. (Sorry.)

I sewed on the button just under the flap.

Then sewed a few loops in the flap to go around the button when I wanted to close it.

And then started sewing on funky patterns with my string.


Love, Love

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Blog scheduling and comfy attire

Oh hey, I'm not doing much just making myself an easy blog schedule to follow. I find that I work best if I have a schedule and can expect to need a certain type of post next. I decided on blogging at least three times a week. One being a lifestyle post, one an outfit post, and another a craft or tutorial post. Easy enough right? And if I feel inspired to do a couple more in the week, then awesome!

Now this schedule might not be permanent, and I might change it to have a blog post nearly every day, but for now, I think this is the right move for me.

So this morning I tried drying and styling my hair differently. I watched curly hair tutorials for about 2 hours this morning and the end result was barely different. I want to wear my hair curly more, but it just gets so frizzy I give up and straighten it. I'd like to not have to straighten it all the time because it just takes too long.

Dress: H&M, Shoes:, Leggings: Target, Glasses: Ray-Ban, Necklace: Rustic Gem Jewelry

Love, Love

Monday, June 10, 2013

Lazy Mornings

Sometimes getting out of bed is hard. Especially when you don't really have anywhere you need to be. And sometimes, staying in bed on your computer is more productive than getting up and wandering around. I had a productive morning in the comfort of my warm bed (it was a bit chilly out this morning), I had som chai and cereal, and enjoyed myself.

I am trying to get better at snapping photos of what I am working on and wearing, etc. and I am doing better! Someday I will be a pro, huh? 

I can't show what I was working on quite yet, but soon. :)

Love, love

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Goals for this next year

Since I have a lot of free time lately, I have found myself thinking of goals for myself and what I want to do in this next year. It's my last year before I get married and move away from my family and start a new adventure and I want to make sure it's a memorable one!

There are projects I want to do for my future house, girl nights I want to have, and things I want to accomplish before I retire my maiden name. So I'm going to make a list and do my best to check each one off as completed.

If you have any ideas you think would make a great addition to my list, please let me know! I'm scribbling down my ideas and I intend to add more as the year goes on.

Love, love

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Layout!

With all this spare time I have lately, I've been doing a lot of re-organizing, cleaning, and what not. One of those projects being this blog. I never really liked the layout of my blog and I think that's one of the reasons I haven't been posting much. But now that I have given it a new design, it has inspired me and got me excited to post more things!

I also have been thinking a lot of what this blog means to me, and before, I wanted it to primarily be a crafting blog, with a little bit of lifestyle fluff thrown in here and there. It's hard to think of crafting ideas all the time, especially original ones, so I always felt guilty when several posts would go by without a craft. But now, I'm making it about my everyday life, and if that day includes a craft, a fun date, etc. it will be in my post!

Today I have a brother/sister portrait session and I'm excited!

I have no idea what this face is.

My outfit & gear

And of course, I have to wear sunscreen...

Love, love

Monday, June 3, 2013

Drop Earrings & Job Searching

So, this post was supposed to be a DIY, but some of the pictures I took disappeared and so now there are missing steps that I don't have to show you. Instead, I'll just show you a few of the pictures that didn't disappear. Will that work for ya?

In other news, I haven't been able to find a job yet, but I'm still searching and hoping! I thought I'd at least find something by now, so it's frustrating, but I know something will show up soon that is perfect for me and my needs right now.

And wedding planning is going slow, but we're getting there! So excited! :)

Love, love